Custom Case Solutions - Individuelle elektronische Einbauten in robuste Koffer

Custom Case Solutions

Individual electronic case solutions

Integrate systems precisely according to individual requirements in robust transport cases? Thanks to many years of experience, B&W offers a wide range of electronic installations according to customer requirements. Our services include cases with charging and storage systems for military radio equipment, electrical heating systems and complex fuel cell systems.

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Step by step to your success

From the initial concept idea to the final assembly - we pay attention to maximum precision and documentation. On request, we can also take care of CE certification and EMC approval. In this way, we work together to ensure quality standards that impress.

Fuel cell with B

Fuel cell with B&W control unit

Drone battery charging case with ventilation

Drone battery charging case with ventilation

Radio charging case with its own battery

Radio charging case with its own battery

Thanks to modern workstations, even the assembly of highly complex systems runs smoothly and efficiently. With us, you are ideally equipped to meet the highest demands - always precise, always reliable.

Customized solutions - flexible and innovative.
We produce both small and large series for your individual electronic case solutions. We use state-of-the-art manufacturing processes to ensure maximum precision and quality - always tailored to your requirements.

Your benefits with us

  • Long-term experience in the integration of electronic systems in robust B&W plastic cases
  • Flexible adaptation to specific requirements (e.g. military radio equipment, electrical heating systems, fuel cell systems)
  • Project support: concept development, electronics design, cable harness production, foam production, assembly
  • Quality control and documentation: Careful testing and CE certification, EMC approval on request
  • In-house development of circuit boards, production and programming in Germany
  • Digital CAD access, precise assembly documentation, real-time quality assurance
  • NFC system for assembly documentation: NFC chips for storing assembly and product information, easily retrievable via smartphone
  • Robot-assisted research: long-term and stress tests (e.g. for roller types, vibration resistance of circuit boards)

Manager for success

If you would like to learn more about this success story or write your own, please contact our "Manager for Success" Joachim Lügtenaar.

Picture of the sales director Joachim Lügtenaar.

Joachim Lügtenaar

Sales Director

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